The Accessibility Scope governs accessibility and distribution efforts, and regulates user-facing frontends.
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This Article governs the brand identity of Sky.
This Section defines the management and use of Sky’s brand identity.
The Accessibility Facilitator must run a one-off special governance poll to determine the long-term brand of the backend protocol, with 3 poll options. The poll must run from November 4 to November 7. The winning option will modify the state of the Atlas as described below. The modifications and provisions of this Atlas Document overrides and supersedes all other Documents in the Atlas, despite conflict in names, tokenomics or anything else.The 3 poll options are as follows:Option 1:Keep the Sky brand as the backend protocol brand. If this option is chosen, no further changes happen and everything remains as today with the brand. The effort to transition MKR to SKY continues, and the Sky brand remains the core brand that both denotes the frontend Sky.money, and the backend Sky Ecosystem and Sky Protocol.Option 2:Recenter the Maker brand. If this option is chosen, Sky is kept as the brand for the Sky.money frontend, USDS is also kept as the brand for the new stablecoin - but the underlying backend protocol has its name changed to Maker, and MKR becomes the core asset of the protocol. SkyLink becomes MakerLink, SkyChain becomes MakerChain, Sky Token Rewards becomes Star Token Rewards, and Sky Savings Rate becomes USDS Savings Rate. The Maker brand is returned with its old assets, as currently seen on makerdao.com, with minimal change. SKY tokens initially continue to function exactly the same, and SKY Token Rewards would continue at the same rate. Once SPK launches, SKY Token Rewards would be turned off, and the ability to migrate from MKR to SKY would be turned off. However, SKY to MKR migration would remain permanently, with a technical modification to ensure that SKY is backed by a finite amount of MKR, rather than the ability to emit new MKR. The ratio of SKY to MKR will permanently remain 1:24,000. The governance forum would revert to forum.makerdao.com and other similar assets would also revert to Maker branding - with the exception of the main @skyecosystem X handle. What happens to the X handle would be decided in a later process when it is determined what’s going to happen with Sky.Option 3:Recenter the Maker brand, with a limited brand refresh. If this option is chosen, Sky is kept as the brand for the Sky.money frontend, USDS is also kept as the brand for the new stablecoin - but the underlying backend protocol has its name changed to Maker, and MKR becomes the core asset of the protocol. SkyLink becomes MakerLink, SkyChain becomes MakerChain, Sky Token Rewards becomes Star Token Rewards, and Sky Savings Rate becomes USDS Savings Rate. The Maker brand is slightly modified to better align with the USDS brand identity, and to align with its role as the maker of the StarDAOs. The logo font can be slightly refreshed and polished, and the colour scheme and general aesthetic should be inspired by the dark blue / navy “star theme” that can be seen on Sky.money in sections that describe Stars and governance. SKY tokens initially continue to function exactly the same, and SKY Token Rewards would continue at the same rate. Once SPK launches, SKY Token Rewards would be turned off, and the ability to migrate from MKR to SKY would be turned off. However, SKY to MKR migration would remain permanently, with a technical modification to ensure that SKY is backed by a finite amount of MKR, rather than the ability to emit new MKR. The ratio of SKY to MKR will permanently remain 1:24,000. The governance forum would revert to forum.makerdao.com and other similar assets would also revert to Maker branding - with the exception of the main @skyecosystem X handle. What happens to the X handle would be decided in a later process when it is determined what’s going to happen with Sky.The Accessibility Facilitator may gather feedback and input to these 3 options during the week of voting on this Atlas Edit, and use that to modify the exact language of the 3 poll options before they are put out in their final state. Any edits made in this way to a poll option will become binding on the Atlas, if the poll ends up winning.The option that gets a plurality becomes the final outcome effective immediately from the moment the poll ends.If Option 1 has a plurality when counting individually, but Option 2 + Option 3 combined has a plurality, then the outcome is Option 2.The Accessibility Facilitator must prepare for all 3 options being chosen, including preparing brand assets in advance. If recentering the Maker Brand is chosen, in either form, then this must be implemented at events and other accessibility campaigns from the moment the poll ends, to the extent this is reasonably possible.Long term implications for SKYIf recentering the Maker brand is chosen (Option 2 or Option 3), then, depending on what outcome is chosen for the Sky brand, the current SKY token may be renamed (e.g. to OLD_SKY), and a new SKY token can be created and used for a different purpose, such as a StarDAO. In any case, holders of the current SKY token would be guaranteed the ability to migrate back to MKR for an unlimited amount of time, and holders would be able to hold their original SKY tokens forever if they desire.USDS core Stablecoin and DAI ERC20 WrapperThe core stablecoin and product of the protocol is called USDS. It has multiple ERC20 wrappers, including the ERC20 USDS wrapper, and the ERC20 DAI Wrapper and ERC20 sDAI Wrapper. The total supply of USDS is the total supply of internal stablecoins in the protocol that backs all wrappers. The total supply of Dai can also be calculated by summing the supply of all wrappers branded as Dai, including Dai, sDai and Chai.